MTC-PB Learning Kit at Mt Carmel

The MTC-PB Learning Kit has been developed and launched at Mt Carmel this year as a consistent, shared language approach to learning that can be used by teachers, students and parents to discuss learning and set goals.
Mt Carmel students are embracing our learning tools (MTC-PB), Learning Intentions and Success Criteria. Our goal being that all of our students develop skills where they take ownership of their own learning and are able to express, “What they are learning”; “How they are going with their learning”; and “What they need to do next to keep their learning on track”. 

 The MTC-PB Learning Kit is based around 5 learning strategies with the common theme –  “Striving for our Personal Best”.

The five strategies in the Learning Kit- Manage-Think-Be Creative-Persist- Be Brave- are applicable to any learning situation – from the classroom, to extra-curricular activities, to home.
The acronym MTC-PB, which stands for “Mount Carmel Personal Best”, comes from each of the key strategies in the Learning Kit.

Our concept poster, which is on display around the school and in all classrooms, explains each of the MTC-PB Strategies more fully.

The Mt Carmel staff are very excited about how well the MTC-PB Learning Kit has been received by the community already and look forward to using it to work in partnership with parents to help our students achieve their “Personal Best” in all they do.